Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am writing today because (1) it's been way too long since my last blog and (2) I wanted to share with you about family. I have mentioned before that I recently got married. That has been SUCH a blessing....thank you Lord for one of the greatest blessings I have EVER received!!!! In that marriage I gained a father, mother, sister and so many other family members and I am SERIOUS when I say "gained." Now, NO ONE could replace my biological father, mother, sister, grandmother, etc. They are all VERY special to me and will continue to be. I loved getting my Valentine's Day cards from each of these family members....they brought tears to my eyes. What I am getting at is that I have been added unto....God has GIVEN, yes GIVEN me more family. I along with my parents, sister and grandmother all agree that we have been blessed beyond measure because of my wife and my families joining together.

I say all this because for a few days I am getting to spend time with my "other" family doing God things. I was graciously given the opportunity to be a part of a conference that I KNOW God has something for me to hear! In this opportunity I get to visit with family that I don't get to see often. God places people in one's life for a reason. I am learning each day, more about why I have had these particular people placed in my life.

Today, God spoke to me in a way that I have never been spoken to before! That is an exciting thing and and I can't tell you how enthusiastic I am right now....God is good!

Thank you, to all my "new" family! You know who you are (yes, this includes Mark, Lisa and the others)!

Until the next time, take care and God bless.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Ain't it fun?

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote.

Often times I have found myself saying, "it sure would be nice to go back to my middle school years," thinking that it was so much easier. And in some ways it was.....some of the biggest concern was deciding to do homework or not. I'm not saying life was so very easy then, BUT I am saying that it did not carry so many "life decisions." Today, I am celebrating 6 months of marriage to my beautiful wife. Thank you Jessi, for saying yes!! I am EXTREMELY blessed to have 2 great families (of course, they are now 1). I thank God for my Godly wife!! See, this was my beginning thought. Marriage is so much more than two people coming together! It was only one of a number of "life decisions" that I have had to make since middle school!!! I have enjoyed my life so far....yes, even the hard times. Why? Because God's hand has been in it from the beginning!! Yes, there are times that I struggle to understand that or even remember that, BUT in the end I am brought back to that simple concept...it REALLY IS simple....God's hand is upon me! So, though middle school may not have had as many "life decisions" as adulthood (college, grad school, career, purchasing a home, marriage, etc.), I am okay with being a grown up simply because God has me in His hand. I just have to remember that!

Thanks again, Jessi, for your love and care! I am excited for what God has in store for us!

Until next time. God bless.
