Sunday, December 4, 2011

'Tis The Season

Hello world! I hope all is well with you and that you are entering into a very meaningful time of prayer, worship and contemplation of this special season.

As I am writing you, I am thinking of the second candle we lit today at NLCC and the message we heard from Pastor Jim. Waiting passionately. What a term, an idea, we wait passionately? Do we do this act AT ALL?! Not just this time of year, but any time?  That message has rung so true with me. This is a series that we are in the midst of and I think it is so very true for this time of year. The people that we read about in scripture were waiting. Some were waiting passionately, while others were waiting not so passionately. We too, are waiting; anticipating that day that we celebrate as the day that Christ was born. But more than waiting for that day, we waiting for THE DAY...that day that Christ comes back to take us to his father's kingdom. What a glorious day (I know, that is a song....thank you Casting Crowns).

I am excited about this season. I, too, have an advent wreath in my home and my wife and I will light our second candle this evening and share in the reading of God's word. What a joy it is to contemplate what this time of year is all about. Thanks be to God for all is and does.

I am also preparing myself for the leading of a small group that will be starting up in the new year. I am preparing which studies I will be doing and when. I pray that God continues to guide me and direct the path that I need to take, but also the individuals that will be a part of that small group. There is a reason this is all happening and I am so excited to be a part of this. God is good and I am thankful He saved me.

Until next time......

Blessings to you all

P.S. Love you Connor!