Sunday, December 4, 2011

'Tis The Season

Hello world! I hope all is well with you and that you are entering into a very meaningful time of prayer, worship and contemplation of this special season.

As I am writing you, I am thinking of the second candle we lit today at NLCC and the message we heard from Pastor Jim. Waiting passionately. What a term, an idea, we wait passionately? Do we do this act AT ALL?! Not just this time of year, but any time?  That message has rung so true with me. This is a series that we are in the midst of and I think it is so very true for this time of year. The people that we read about in scripture were waiting. Some were waiting passionately, while others were waiting not so passionately. We too, are waiting; anticipating that day that we celebrate as the day that Christ was born. But more than waiting for that day, we waiting for THE DAY...that day that Christ comes back to take us to his father's kingdom. What a glorious day (I know, that is a song....thank you Casting Crowns).

I am excited about this season. I, too, have an advent wreath in my home and my wife and I will light our second candle this evening and share in the reading of God's word. What a joy it is to contemplate what this time of year is all about. Thanks be to God for all is and does.

I am also preparing myself for the leading of a small group that will be starting up in the new year. I am preparing which studies I will be doing and when. I pray that God continues to guide me and direct the path that I need to take, but also the individuals that will be a part of that small group. There is a reason this is all happening and I am so excited to be a part of this. God is good and I am thankful He saved me.

Until next time......

Blessings to you all

P.S. Love you Connor!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Camping Trip #2

What a beautiful time!! Wow, God is so good! I am currently sitting in my house watching a football game and reflecting on the weekend. This weekend found me camping out again with my wife. We took a trip (with our two dogs) about an hour away to a campground and spent time away from really anything other than the outdoors. What a spectacular time we had....great weather, wonderful quiet times, great food. The experience was a great one and I walked away from all of that thinking, "God created so many awesome things and we were able to catch a small glimpse of those things."

After such a difficult past month with so much loss in my family, it was such a refreshing time to see God at work and hearing him. I am thankful that God has provided me some time to step back and to reflect on God's love.

I will most definitely miss all those loved ones and friends that I have lost, but I know that they are in the presence of God and one day I will see them again. And seeing the beauty I saw this weekend, it is exciting to think of that moment when I will get to see the Father and those that went before me.

Camping this weekend help me more than I would have ever thought....thanks be to God.

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I have to do a better job at this blogging thing. It has been such a long time. It is, however, good to be on here. I hope everyone is doing well. This past weekend was full of events for me. It, too, was a roller coaster of emotions. I realized after all was said and done that 1) God is good and 2) I was tired.

I started the weekend off by having a very busy day at work. I came home and got as much sleep as I could. I got up Saturday morning and headed to a memorial service for my great-aunt who had been truly fighting for her life for 11 years (that's when she suffered her first huge set back...a severe stroke). She passed away and we had to bury her Saturday. A few hours after that we had to get dressed up in our Sunday clothes to be a part of a wedding. My cousin was tying the knot. This was a truly wonderful was a great reminder of my wedding (which happened just over a year ago).

Then, on Sunday I had the EXTREME pleasure of baptizing six....yes, SIX of the children I and my wife ministered to when we were serving at their church. What an exciting time! I had a blast and loved seeing them. It was truly a God thing and it was definitely worthy of praise towards God.

As you can see, it was a very full weekend and a roller coaster of emotions. God is good all the time. All the time, God is good! I can't tell you how much this past weekend drained me, but I look back at all the events that took place then and all I can say is that I was so aware of our Lord and Savior being in those places. I love my Lord and am very thankful HE saved me!

I hope those who are reading this are in a close relationship with our creator or if you are not, my prayer is that you will seek that's AWESOME!!

Until next time.......

Take care and God bless,

Friday, July 29, 2011

What I saw

Hello world! It's been an EXTREMELY long time since I last wrote and for that I am EXTREMELY sorry! I wanted to just write today about my recent experience because I could not help but see God in what went on. This past week I had the pleasure of a vacation (and yes, I said pleasure) with my parents and in-laws. I spent half the time at a beach with my parents and the other have with my in-laws. That in and of itself was awesome because not many families get to do that. Now for God. Throughout my time away from home I saw little snippets of God, from beautiful land images to the love shared towards one another.

I had gone almost the entire trip and was headed back when I was a part of viewing this great landscape called Earth. I was aboard a plane headed to the halfway point of my trip and as we began to circle to line up for our landing on the runway and as we were in our descent, I could not get over just how beautiful the landscape was and how things were designed and the layout. I know, I have flown before but not on as beautiful of a day as this. And, I normally am not in the window seat (I love you honey). But, back to the was beyond marvelous and as we began closing in on the runway I began thinking of God our creator and how marvelously He put all this together. I began looking around the plane at those traveling with me and saying to myself, "He created people to build something so big as in this plane (so heavy too) that could lift us 20,000 feet or more up in the air; that could travel hundreds of miles an hour. Wow!" What a mighty God we serve! The view was beautiful and it made the trip (without my wife) so much more bearable and allowed me to refocus on what life is really all about.

I made it safely and am back to the grind (still without my wife...I hope she DOES come back). I can't tell you all who read this just how blessed I am because it wouldn't be enough! I have a mighty God who has watched over me and a very loving family that has done the same. I love ALL my family, blood related and all mean so much. I am blessed to be in such an awesome family. I saw a great view of God on vacation.

Until next time......

Take care an God bless.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I had a brand new experience this weekend (who says I'm not open to learning new things). I have "camped out" before ONLY as part of working at a youth camp and NEVER for a 24 hour period or longer! I have to say that I had a great time, even if I was awoken by the bright bolts of lightening and loud rolls of thunder at 4:00 A.....M.....that's IN THE MORNING!!!

Actually, it was a cool experience! I have talked about it often to my co-workers today. I had a blast and, as a friend of mine said before my wife and I went, we bonded. We worked together and had a good time. The rain is not going to keep me away! I will be going back to camp out again. We worked to get things done (though we did this before the adventure of camping) and did have fun with each other and our rambunctious dogs. This was an experience that helped build our relationship even more. I truly was blessed throughout this time.

It is amazing, the creation of the world, how things work, the beauty found in nature and the friendly attitudes of campers who were strangers. This was NOTHING like camping out at some kid's week-long camp! I am glad I said, "let's go." I learned a little bit and I got away from all that was going on, except my wife and our dogs. If you have a chance, go to a campsite and just stay the will appreciate so many things.

Until next time....

Take care and God bless.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm baaaaack!

Hey guys! Long time since I wrote last! I'm hoping you guys forgive me for that, but I have been beyond busy. I'm glad that I have been busy, but it's nice to have some time off.

What about church? I attended that same church again today (though the sermon series was different) and I must say it was well worth the drive. I'm telling you what, this church seems to understand what REAL CHURCH is suppose to be. I have thoroughly enjoyed my visits and have felt the Holy Spirit in that place.

You see, the ministerial team there presents a message of Jesus Christ through music and word that gets down to the business of what we need to hear. There is no "small talk" during the sermon time....instead it is let's get to the scripture and dive into to what God has to say.

As we made our way in to sit down, I couldn't help but notice the happiness that was among so many people and the attire that so many were wearing. So many churches today spend more time on putting people down about clothes than teaching the Bible and because of that there seems to ALWAYS be doom and gloom in the air. NOT at this church....God was there, people were happy and the Bible was taught! That really got me thinking again about what real church is. I see real church as being, as the lead pastor spoke, a real place where real people meet a real God who has a real love for them and helps with their real problems.

Today, there was mention of a church-wide relief effort to help those in Joplin, Mo. and I have a feeling that they will fill that tractor trailer so full that they can't get the doors closed....that's REAL CHURCH. Real church is forgetting about yourself and sacrificing for others to know the true love of Jesus Christ our Lord. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to be a small part of real church. Recently, I haven't been able to say that, but in the past couple of months I can say with certainty that I have been a part of a couple of real churches. God is at work in some of the churches and WOULD BE in others if the people only will allow Him.

If you think or feel that your church isn't a real church, PLEASE pray that the leaders of your church will relinquish the power and let GOD GUIDE your path and if you are a part of real church.....GOD BLESS YOU! Don't let that slip away! Do ALL that you can to continue being a real church. God is awesome and wants people to come to know Him, personally....real church allows that.

Until next time......

God bless.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What is church?

What an awesome day this has been! I got great sleep last night and I was excited to see what God had in store for my wife and I as we visited a local church.

As we went in the facility to be a part of an assembly of God's people, there was a busyness in the air. The busyness wasn't to try and avoid guests, but there was a great deal of things happening. We were greeted a few people and we made our way to the "sanctuary" was a grand place, a place where God was worshiped and felt.

Once we made our way in we found seats and sat down, excited to participate in the service. After the worship was concluded, a small video clip was shown on the screens. At the end of the video clip, the statement came up, "Real Church." The pastor proceeded to speak from the books of Acts and Matthew and went through what the church IS and IS NOT. And the REAL CHURCH is invovled in the work of God, not the technical things that tend to allow evil/negative things to happen.

Thank you to OBC for a great service and the encouragement that there are churches that realize that this world has changed but not so much that we don't use the book of Acts to refocus on who is the church. Notice I said "who" is the church ....that's right, THE CHURCH is its people.....NOT the building and NOT an organization, BUT....BUT it IS MESSY! Jesus never said that it would be a neat and clean thing that can be stuffed into a box. God is good and He forgives!! What a blessing because if He wasn't we'd ALL be in trouble.

I am sooo excited to see what God has in store for my wife and I at this point in our lives. I am joyful knowing that I'm going to get to travel this road with such a wonderful wife.

I thank God again for leading us to OBC this day! What a great day.

What is church?

Until next time....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Wow, time has flown! I am excited for what God has for me in the future. This past weekend was a time of reflecting about what my Savior did for me! As I was reflecting on that day that Jesus hung on that cross to wipe away my sins, I couldn't help but have a joy in my heart. In this past month I have been presented with a number of opportunities...personal and spiritual. I have been blessed beyond measure and trying to keep that in the front of my mind. I am not saying that it has been easy because it hasn't. This is all new to me for a number of reasons, BUT I know that God is in the very midst of all this that is going on. I thank all those that have prayed and are continuing to pray for and my wife. God is good and he provides! Count your blessings and let others know about them.

I hopefully will be writing again soon...much sooner than this time. Take care and God bless you all.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ok, I am sitting at my computer writing this blog but also working on a message for Sunday. First, please pray that I allow God to speak to me and not set an agenda that has NOTHING to do with Him. There has been a great deal that has gone on in my life this past month, but especially this past week. I know God has a plan, BUT I have to ALLOW Him to move and show me where HE wants me to go. Please pray!

One of my favorite books in the Bible is the Book of James. It is a book on conduct. It is clear in how we should live that Christ-like life. I believe that God had it placed (though there are some who don't) in the canonized Bible because he knew that we needed a plain and simple "how to" manual. He knew that we would screw up at times and needed to be reminded often just what it means to be a Christ follower. This is the book in which I will be speaking from Sunday. I am excited about this opportunity, BUT I want to speak in a fresh and new way. I'm not saying that the messages that I (and others) have spoken were not God inspired and truth....they are, but I want to speak a message that looks at this text a little different. In the end, we will get to the same conclusion...we just may take a different road to get there.

Again, please pray for me. Pray for The Church, your local church(es), our families, church services (whenever you have them) and most importantly....God and growing His heavenly kingdom.

Take care and God bless,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Last Day

As I sit in my office on the last day as Minister to Youth, Children and Families I keep coming back to a song that was playing in my car on the way in this morning. It touched me more than it has any other time and I am guessing because it was heard through a new lens, that of not being a part of the staff any longer. I listened a little more intent than ever before. The song is entitled "Way Beyond Myself" by Newsboys:

I've been thinking it's about time
To win the war that fights against all the lies invading my mind
You have brought me to my senses
Even though You built this world to shake
You still love me in a personal way
So I think it's time to leave my doubt behind

There's so much more than meets the eye
Or what's going on inside
I believe in something way beyond myself
Like the wind that moves the leaves
Lord, You move me to my knees
Giving into something way beyond myself
I'm giving into something way beyond myself

Oh the way we build our empires hoping to impress our friends
We've forgotten how to inspire those who fall to rise again
Oh my God, You've built this world to shake
You still love me in a personal way
So I think it's time to leave my doubt behind

There's so much more than meets the eye
Or what's going on inside
I believe in something way beyond myself
Like the wind that moves the leaves
Lord, You move me to my knees
Giving into something way beyond myself
I'm giving into something way beyond myself

Storms are gonna come my way, I know

Some things are out of our control but there's a hope beyond myself
It's You and You will never let me go
Now I want my life to show
You got me thinking beyond myself
Way beyond myself

There's so much more than meets the eye
Or what's going on inside
I believe in something way beyond myself
Like the wind that moves the leaves
Lord, You move me to my knees
Giving into something way beyond myself

There's so much more than meets the eye
Or what's going on inside
I'm giving into something way beyond myself
Like the wind that moves the leaves
Lord, You move me to my knees
Giving into something way beyond myself

There's so much more than meets the eye
Or what's going on inside
I'm giving into something way beyond myself
Like the wind that moves the leaves
Lord, You move me to my knees

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving us talented people who write songs and produce music. Because of these people I have been given a moment to hear and reflect; to describe in a way that I otherwise could not, the way I am thinking and feeling. Bless those at the church, bless me and my family as we all move towards your plan you have laid out for us. I love you! Amen.
Peace and Love Be With You,

Monday, March 14, 2011


I had the opportunity this past week to participate in a one day seminar that talked about all the social media outlets that are around and the ties they have to churches. It was an interesting time of looking in on these new ways of community, which by the way, they are communities. In sitting among ministers who wanted to get a better hold of this new happening I realized that we have a long way to go to provide this outlet to the local churches. Long gone are the days where just snail mail, the pulpit on Sunday mornings, and phone calls are used to promote and inform. See, those things work BUT we have to also realize that we are EXCLUDING a GREAT NUMBER of people if we think that is the only way to communicate with people. And if I'm not mistaking, didn't Jesus make sure that he did not exclude anyone?!? My point is, that as the printing press came along.....things needed to change. Now, as the internet becomes so much more involved in each of our lives.....we need to change!

It has been said so many times before, BUT.........

The message is the same, the packaging HAS to be different! I pray that those who are fitting this "new" technology sit down and work on taking part, it will change your life but that is okay.

I was never good at writing (or that's my thought) but I decided to try this blogging "thing" and I have to say that I enjoy it. I still am no good at it, but look forward to what comes to my mind and fingertips. I have only written twelve posts before this but I get to look back and read these posts and they remind me of times in my life that were blessings that I wanted to share with others. Good and bad, I wanted to share things because I felt that God could work on someone through these times.

Take time today and thank God for the gift of life that He has GIVEN you and ask, "what can I do today that will honor you, Lord, bless others and in turn be a blessing to me?"

Take care and God bless.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am writing today because (1) it's been way too long since my last blog and (2) I wanted to share with you about family. I have mentioned before that I recently got married. That has been SUCH a blessing....thank you Lord for one of the greatest blessings I have EVER received!!!! In that marriage I gained a father, mother, sister and so many other family members and I am SERIOUS when I say "gained." Now, NO ONE could replace my biological father, mother, sister, grandmother, etc. They are all VERY special to me and will continue to be. I loved getting my Valentine's Day cards from each of these family members....they brought tears to my eyes. What I am getting at is that I have been added unto....God has GIVEN, yes GIVEN me more family. I along with my parents, sister and grandmother all agree that we have been blessed beyond measure because of my wife and my families joining together.

I say all this because for a few days I am getting to spend time with my "other" family doing God things. I was graciously given the opportunity to be a part of a conference that I KNOW God has something for me to hear! In this opportunity I get to visit with family that I don't get to see often. God places people in one's life for a reason. I am learning each day, more about why I have had these particular people placed in my life.

Today, God spoke to me in a way that I have never been spoken to before! That is an exciting thing and and I can't tell you how enthusiastic I am right now....God is good!

Thank you, to all my "new" family! You know who you are (yes, this includes Mark, Lisa and the others)!

Until the next time, take care and God bless.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Ain't it fun?

Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote.

Often times I have found myself saying, "it sure would be nice to go back to my middle school years," thinking that it was so much easier. And in some ways it was.....some of the biggest concern was deciding to do homework or not. I'm not saying life was so very easy then, BUT I am saying that it did not carry so many "life decisions." Today, I am celebrating 6 months of marriage to my beautiful wife. Thank you Jessi, for saying yes!! I am EXTREMELY blessed to have 2 great families (of course, they are now 1). I thank God for my Godly wife!! See, this was my beginning thought. Marriage is so much more than two people coming together! It was only one of a number of "life decisions" that I have had to make since middle school!!! I have enjoyed my life so far....yes, even the hard times. Why? Because God's hand has been in it from the beginning!! Yes, there are times that I struggle to understand that or even remember that, BUT in the end I am brought back to that simple REALLY IS simple....God's hand is upon me! So, though middle school may not have had as many "life decisions" as adulthood (college, grad school, career, purchasing a home, marriage, etc.), I am okay with being a grown up simply because God has me in His hand. I just have to remember that!

Thanks again, Jessi, for your love and care! I am excited for what God has in store for us!

Until next time. God bless.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reflecting on "The Energy Bus"

     As I am preparing to take a group of people through Jon Gordon's "The Energy Bus," I can't help but stop and think often right now about my own bus. I never really thought about my life as bus ride. But, after reading this book it is interesting how many times I have stepped back and referenced the bus analogy in recent weeks. Also, I am amazed at how much a negative atmosphere takes a toll on you. I appreciate Jon and his foresight to write this book because it has given me A LOT to think about. I'm not saying that I have been entrenched in negativity because I haven't but the truth is that it doesn't take much!!! See, that's the point I am trying to make today is that I have been the giver and receiver of some negativity. Jon's book has called attention to that for me and I have been working to change my ride. In his book, Jon reminds the readers that we have a choice EVERYDAY that we can be positive or we can be negative. If we chose to be negative we do not pay ANY attention to who is on our bus (which, by the way, he says we have a right to invite people to get on or off our bus) BUT if we are positive we make a conscious decision to invite POSITIVE people on OUR BUS!
     I encourage you, whether you are a positive person or a negative person right now, to pick up this book and read it. I promise by the time you put it down, God will have worked in you and you will take a more positive approach to living. It amazes me how God works sometimes, though it shouldn't because God IS SO AMAZING!!!
      So, which attitude are you going to take today? Get on your bus, be proud and work hard to make it a ride full of memories and OTHER passengers! Take care and God bless.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What a blessing

     Just recently I had the privilege to visit my in-laws. Yes, I said "privilege." Not many people can say that about their in-laws....BUT I CAN!!! I was visiting with them thinking that I would just be enjoying time with them and my new family additions, but God had other plans. Yes, we enjoyed time together. We played games, we cooked out (yes, even in December), we went shopping....well, they went shopping while I sat and watched people, but that's another day another blog. Anyway, we had a lot of great times hanging out with a lot of great people. As I was there with my in-laws and wife just getting away from the daily grind of life, God spoke to me often. He shared with me a few things that I needed to be reminded of (thank you David, Lynn, Jessi, Sundi, Mark, and Lisa very much!) and I am going to remember those moments. 
     In a time where I thought I was just going to get away and "take it easy," God took that time to say, "Hey, remember me?" I took time to read, time to have fun, time to study and it felt good. Now, for the tough carry that out now into my everyday life. God shared with me a number of things through my family and friends but also in those still quiet moments. I may never share those moments with people but God knows what is going on and He wants me to answer, "Yes, I remember you and want to get closer to you."
     Take care and God bless. May He be there beside you today and forever.
